Documentation Development and Coordination
Piter Development Company has been providing comprehensive services in preparing investment permits and project documentation according to the "one contact" principle.
Development and approval of documentation according to "one contact" principle allows our customers to efficiently use their time and money:
- - You save time by assigning responsibilities for getting positive results to our staff;
- - You reduce coordination costs by optimizing the entire process of development and approval of investment permits and architectural documentation;
- - you get support and advice during the stages of development and coordination of the project;
We develop and coordinate all the necessary documents with the relevant committees and departments of St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region.
The experience of our staff will provide you with comfortable solutions to all issues related to acquisition, ownership and registration of rights to land, investment projects and asset portfolios.
The work we do can be divided into four sections:

Development and coordination of turn-key (comprehensive) projects:
- - purchasing the leased land plot through the investment project procedure;
- - obtaining rights to the land plot on investment conditions (target programming);
- - preparing documentation for Property Fund lease or purchase programs, including complex territorial development projects;
- - adding land area to your land plot by adding additional areas;
- - legalizing the currently existing temporary or permanent constructions (hangars, industrial facilities, houses);
- - Purchasing buildings from the Committee for City Property Management by initiating building reconstruction investment projects;
- - architectural design and coordination for all residential and public buildings;

Town planning Operations that We Do:
- - Applying for and collecting all the documents for the land on investment conditions;
- - Applying for and collecting all the documents for reconstruction of the building on investment conditions;
- - Obtaining the rights to develop the land use survey plan (settling contracts with the Department of Investment Management and issue of the corresponding order by Committee for Urban Construction and Architecture);
- - development and coordination of the land use survey plan (LUSP), extention of development plans;
- - organizing and holding public hearings;
- - obtaining the City Development Plan for the land plot;
- - obtaining permits for conditional use of the land plot;
- - obtaining permits for exceeding maximal permitted parameters of the construction project;
- - settling and extending lease periods with the Committee for City Property Management, when such extensions are unrelated to construction processes;
- - work with the protection status of Regulated Construction Zones and height restrictions in protected landscape zones and other protected zones.

Obtaining Initial Data and Coordinating Activities We Do:
- - Assistance in drafting requests to state committees and departments;
- - receiving and approving technical specifications (TS) from city committee and service divisions;
- - receiving and approving standard specifications (SS) from city engineering divisions;
- - receiving (or making) of topographic surveys with the scale of 1:500, 1:2000, 1:5000. 1:10000.

Development, Coordination and Expert Assessment of Architectural Operations That We Do:
- - initial design;
- - graphical issues in the planning project;
- - development and management of project documentation for new (turnkey) construction projects:
- - development and management of project documentation for building reconstruction (turn-key project);

Our specialists prepare documentation packages for various purposes:
- for new construction;
- for reconstruction of architectural monuments of regional and federal significance;
- for legalizing already constructed capital buildings and temporary structures;
- for various real estate and property transactions and changing their legal status;
- for various land transactions and changing their legal status;
In cases when investors purchase land plots Piter Development Company staff are ready, when necessary, to provide comprehensive support for projects after transferal of land asset title.
Additionally the company has extensive experience in preparing tender bid documentation, investor bid applications, and obtaining construction footprints on investment conditions. Within this specialization area our staff collect and coordinate issue of full packages of documentation: from documents needed to obtain the rights to develop the area planning project to documentation needed to obtain the construction permit.
The Company shall provide all necessary graphic materials for the approval of the project, making it as easy as possible for the customer to collect the necessary data at every stage of project implementation.
If you have any questions, fill in this feedback form or call our office.