City Development Plan
Preparation of the Site Development Plan (SDP) is carried out by the Committee for Urban Construction and Architecture upon an application of interested parties. The work of the Committee for Urban Construction and Architecture on preparing and issuing City Development Plans is done in accordance with Order No. 96 of the Committee for Urban Construction and Architecture dd. 11.09.09.
- Preparation of the technical documentation set for the land plot, the building or the construction:
- Holding and registering a topographic survey of the land plot with the scale of 1:500/ 1:2000/ 1:5000 when the area of the land plot is, respectively, under 1 hectare, no more than 10 hectares or over 10 hectares, in the Geology and Geodesy Service of the Committee for Urban Construction and Architecture;
- Updating the cadastral survey of the land plot;
- Preparing new technical passports for capital construction objects located on the land plot;
- Settling or extending contracts with monopolists (overseen by Committee for Energy and Engineering Support);
- Obtaining engineering network access point permits for the construction project;
- Feasibility of Putting Together a City Development Plan for the Site:
- Preparation and submission of Site Development Plan inquiry to the Committee for Urban Construction and Architecture in accordance with the standard application form (Appendix No. 2 to Order No. 96 of the Committee for Urban Construction and Architecture, dd. 11.06.09);
- Checking completeness of documentation provided by State Establishment Center of Information Support of Urban Construction Activities (CISUCA);
- Developing City Development Plan for the Land Plot:
- Preparation and submission of inquiries to executive bodies of state authority and organizations of St. Petersburg to receive official initial data;
- Preparation of the City Development plan by specialists of State Establishment Center of Information Support of Urban Construction Activities in accordance with City Construction Regulations as prescribed by Land Use And Development Rules for the construction site in question;
- Checking of the project by experts of the City Construction and Development Office (CC&DO) of the Committee for Urban Construction and Architecture in part of its compliance with LUDR, law of St. Petersburg "On Softscaping" and law of St. Petersburg "On Borders of Cultural Heritage Zones."
- Amending the City Development Plan project if needed;
- Upon completion of all required work, the City Construction Management Office of the Committee for Urban Construction and Architecture prepares the City Development Plan, and a corresponding draft order of the Committee to approve it;
- Approval, Registration and Issue of the City Development Plan:
- Approval and coordination of the project by order of the Legal Office of the Committee for Urban Construction and Architecture;
- Approval of the order by the Chairperson of the Committee for Urban Construction and Architecture;
- Registration of the City Development Plan for the land plot, and issue of one copy of the document to the applicant;
The approved City Development Plan shall be used for further project development and coordination.

If you should have any questions or do not have time to fill out all the documents, please contact us by filling out the feedback form, or call our office.