Released projects | Analytical articles |
Investment Projects | Marketing researches |
Business Plan Development |
We work in the field of real estate development, in other words our professional activities are related to real estate investment projects and other related activities.
All our projects are subdivided into major priority tasks and secondary tasks that surface in the process of work on the priority tasks.
The main thing for us is certainly the work on investment projects and activities within the process of development.
We provide a wide range of activities in the sphere of investment projects: investment consulting, preparing and coordinating investment documentation, technical work (surveying), assistance and support of our customers during the project (attracting investors). Some of our projects are shown in the section entitled investment projects.
We have accumulated a lot of statistical data, analytical reports, expert opinions, which have an intrinsic value of their own. That's the approach we used in establishing sections wherein we talk about our projects, and share with the readers our knowledge and experience in the following areas:
- Marketing research reports with summaries of various marketing studies.
- Business plan development, where we present information on business plans currently in the works.
- Analytical articles – a selection of analytical articles on various segments of the market of real estate. The part of articles has been published in mass-media.
Work in development's sphere demands from our employees knowledge of the legislation, and the basic legislative materials in real estate and land tenure sphere are presented on our site in section the legislation.

If you are interested in our materials or have any questions, please contact us at numbers as shown, or fill out the feedback form on our website and we will contact you.