We provide consulting services for investors and property owners, determine the feasibility of new construction or reconstruction (renovation) which include :
1 – determination of the possibility to locate the real property item (residential, public or industrial buildings) in accordance with the town planning legislation;
2 – identification of the main parameters of a possible development (the number of floors, the floor space, insolation and daylight factor calculation, the balance of the territory, the number of parking spaces, etc.);
3 – the need to maintain or preserve the existing buildings (the determination of protection zones as defined by the Committee on State Control, Use and Protection of Historical and Cultural Landmarks, the determination of green areas, etc.);
4 – the possibility to get from the town necessary engineering loads (technical specifications received from engineering agencies);
Counselling is based on existing legislation , as well as extensive practical experience of our specialists.
Besides consulting services on urban topics , we offer additional services that include market research, feasibility studies, business plans (UNIDO procedure). Development of investment models. Project presentation to investors. Learn more